

What is Isofix?

Isofix is a child car seat attachment system which uses metal anchor points built into the chassis of the car. The Isofix connectors on your child car seat fit on to these. The anchor points are often hidden within the car's seat padding. On some car seats, the Isofix connectors are part of the seat itself. With others, you ha...

Extender Styles

Regular Extenders fold around the body smoothly, like your existing seat belt. They are made of a similar seat belt webbing material as the seat belts in your car. Regular Extenders are always flexible and are typically what most people think of when they first think of a seat belt extender.    Rigid Extenders are made of ...

4 Ways To Check And Test Your Car’s Airbag

Airbags save lives, with over 20,000 drivers and passengers already protected as of 2010, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. As the NHTSA points out, airbag injuries are getting fewer every year, with newer cars and trucks having the best safety records, but a significant number of injuries an...